YouTube Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint - (Grow On YouTube) #RANT

Alan Spicer YT Tips

Posting Mad!
YouTube Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint (Grow On YouTube) // To grow a youtube channel in 2019 and grow on youtube you have to understand and accept one very important fact - YouTube Is A MARATHON and NOT A SPRINT! For you to make a successful youtuber and be successful on YouTube you have to play for the long haul and the long term growth. Once you put in enough time, enough content to build a back catalog, and dedicated your time to learning how to make better videos.... only then will your channel grow.

You need to get over the numbers and you need to focus on quality content, within your set niche and pump out regular, reliable, helpful content that people search for and want to see. Once you finally commit to the long hard grind that is long term success on YouTube you will finally open your mind to the amount of work you need to put in to make it all work.
