
I've Got It
What way do you prioritize conveying your videos?

Do you place visuals as the most important aspect to represent yourself and your videos?
Do you focus on music to get your ideas or themes across?
Do your videos consist of only your voice to express your thought, opinions etc.?

Is it a mixture of all of these components, and maybe more?
Obviously depending on an individuals channel, the format in which they present themselves or their youtube videos is the byproduct of what they personally believe will be the most successful in representing themselves.

So what do you guys prioritize on your channel and in your videos?
I have been experimenting with voice overs, as my most recent video is my first ever voice over, I don't know if it is any more useful than my previous videos (No voice, only text)

Have any of you changed your video format? and if so, seen any difference as a result?