Video Transparency (Hitfilm 4 Express)


Active Member
I have done some research on something I'm trying to do, I have a face-cam type of thing on some of my gta videos and it's my character instead of my face, anyway I have been trying to shrink that picture as far down as possible while still having an image that's not going to be so small it's not even worth looking at. (I realize it won't be hugely looked at, and maybe not at all but it's something I'm working on both to experiment whether it works for my channel but mainly to expand my capability as an editor.) Anyway I wanted to crop it as a circle, have everything outside the circle transparent.

I did some digging and read that I would need to switch to something that supports that (something like avi) right now I use strictly mp4, 720p 30fps anywhere from 10-15mbit settings. I'm curious if it would be worth it to switch everything I do to avi, I would need to convert videos when they got uploaded from my console, where I capture footage.

Thanks for any info.
