Trying to make spoof ads with friends!

Please check out our first video at
and give some comments

Just check out the video for now because this is sort of a test video, it's a temporary channel.
Our goal for this video is to see whether people like this type of production, and get some feedback before we continue putting more out. Mostly just for interest and for fun aha.
Lastly, we seem to have a problem with the narration, would love to get some feedback of that, please help!

Well its certainly different, not to my particularly liking but a good effort tho. One thing i must add is i love RUM, im like Steve, rum gets me into trouble.
This kind of reminded me of The Lonely Island's digital short Punching People Before They Eat...and just like with that video, I think your mistake is you took the joke too far. The captain lines were really funny, and it should've ended abruptly with the murder, that would have ended the video at a high point, possibly warranting a second watch. But I feel that him digging a grave for the body was a little unrealistic, as if a bus hit him...there'd DEFINITELY be witnesses, and the side plot with the girlfriend was unnecessary.

Like, I think it would've been funnier as a PSA/Commercial like: Don't drink and push your friend into oncoming traffic, or something to that extent.

I do suggest not JUST doing test footage. You may hate the content later on, but it's precisely this kind of formula that lands you a loyal fanbase. For instance, if you never said that you had a temporary channel...I may have subscribed to you. Right now, on the spot...and you'd have one new subscriber. Let's say you actually want to post an official channel down the road and I'm not around this site anymore, how will you find me? That fan you could have had?

Don't cut yourself short, your most loyal fans will also be the most forgiving. Posting tests are what TV networks do with pilots. Don't do that. If you're doing it for fun, just do it. You'll get a lot more support than you would if you were just getting your toes wet.

But hey...that's just my two cents. Take with it what you will.