Promote playthrough videos


Hey there ive been putting up playthrough videos of games for a while but i seem to get barely any views? Ive put tags and been telling people to look at them. Also been going on forums like YT to promote them but still get no views. Any other advice?
Its a waiting game my friend. You wont get notice until people start noticing you. Ill check out a letsplay and ill sub too see if your any good ~XD
Liked the channel, and i think it is because nowdays people prefer commentary, so try to en corporate commentary into more playthourghs. Also i did sub XD. And i will continue watching. and you do alot of games XD
It's quite hard to promote them on their own I think, if you have some good commentary then your personality will show to everyone which I think will be the main thing people will enjoy, personally for me when watching lets plays I find them VERY boring when theres no one speaking, if the person is quite boring when playing too I dont enjoy it at all, when someones personality is good and it sounds like theyre having fun playing it I find it a lot more enjoyable. As for promoting them other than making them good I would suggest the normal promo methods :)
Basically...think of all your potential viewers/subscribers as girlfriends sitting next to you, watching you play video games. Does she want to sit there and watch you play video games? Hell naw! She wants someone to talk to. So talk to her (as in "her," I really mean your viewers...but I didn't need to explain get the metaphor).
Personalities are the only things I watch youtube video's for. I started watching gaming vids hoping to get better, but I stayed because I love the people I'm watching.
The best tip, is ENJOY what you are playing if you're doing commentary. NEVER play a game and try to commentate if your not really enjoying it. It will come through in the video and make it dull. Hope this helps! (I'm just starting out with gameplays/commentary too, would appreciate if you checked my stuff out! :D I'm just heading over to your channel now! ;))
The best tip, is ENJOY what you are playing if you're doing commentary. NEVER play a game and try to commentate if your not really enjoying it. It will come through in the video and make it dull. Hope this helps! (I'm just starting out with gameplays/commentary too, would appreciate if you checked my stuff out! :D I'm just heading over to your channel now! ;))
unless you're raging. Raging videos are HILARIOUS!