Newbie here with a question


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am new to uploading videos to YouTube and I have a question that I am hoping someone could assist me with please. I’m looking to upload videos/image slideshows with captions incorporated on the bottom of the video. Just like the images of the YouTube videos that I have uploaded in this thread. I would like to know what video editing software programs that I can purchase that would achieve the desired result like what the videos did in the photo examples. Thanks in advance it is appreciated...

Just about any video editing program has many options for subtitles and graphic overlays, you really can't go wrong. Many pro YouTubers swear by Sony Vegas Pro, or Adobe After Effects, but personally I've always used Power Director because it's easy to learn and relatively inexpensive.
I also use Power Director and have no problem doing subtitles.

It is also possible to make subtitles with a transparent background and overlay them onto your videos if you have a really specific look in mind.