New Hardware & Software for editing videos.

Hey everyone,

So, at the moment I record all my videos on an iphone 6s then edit them using Shotcut on a 4 yr old Sony Vaio Laptop. I do like Shotcut but my laptop just cant cope, its so slow and gets very hot with the fans goinf mental trying to cool it down.

So, after speaking to a few other tubers in my niche they all seem to use imovie on a Mac - I had imovie on my iPad but I am guessing it comes with loads of other features on a Mac right?

So, the dilema is do I go for a Macbook Pro or a Mac desk computer, other than the portability what are the advantages of a Macbook over a Mac? Will iMovie be able to do everything I need?

A few questions there but would very much appreciate some expert knowledge on this. I have always had Windows so a Mac will be a learning curve in itself!

IMovie is great. I made over 50 videos with it before I moved to Final Cut.. and yes, the full/Mac version of iMovie vs the iOS version is loads better/does more and is more powerful.

Other than portability, the only advantage of a desktop over a laptop is usually performance.. Usually a better graphics adaptor, faster CPU, etc, for the same price. Of course It will also have a bigger screen which can also be helpful when editing.

PS - We shoot most of all our videos with iPhones. If you ever move from iMove to Final Cut (or Premier Pro) you can start doing advanced color correction/grading for even BETTER looking videos - if you look at our trailer (below), you will seen an example - all but the drone shots were dont on an iphone.
IMovie is great. I made over 50 videos with it before I moved to Final Cut.. and yes, the full/Mac version of iMovie vs the iOS version is loads better/does more and is more powerful.

Other than portability, the only advantage of a desktop over a laptop is usually performance.. Usually a better graphics adaptor, faster CPU, etc, for the same price. Of course It will also have a bigger screen which can also be helpful when editing.

PS - We shoot most of all our videos with iPhones. If you ever move from iMove to Final Cut (or Premier Pro) you can start doing advanced color correction/grading for even BETTER looking videos - if you look at our trailer (below), you will seen an example - all but the drone shots were dont on an iphone.
Wow thanks for the info - really am stuck now on whether to get a Macbook or a Mac! decisions, decisions!