Vlog Need Videos for funny Press Conference video


Hey all! I recently started taking my YouTube stuff a little more seriously (start of the year) and I'm about to hit the meager 100 subs milestone.

To celebrate, I'm going to hold a funny press conference where my subscribers and other YouTubers ask ANY question. If it's a YouTuber, I'm going to obviously put their info in the video and link to their channel or website in the description.

The questions can be about anything at all... funny, serious, political, entertainment, ridiculous, etc. I can't promise I'll take all questions seriously since it's meant to be an entertaining video, but it's a chance to collaborate with a lot of different people.

Likewise, if anyone wants me to return the favor and record something for them, just let me know.

If you're interested, you can reply here or message me on Twitter @ktracycom (which will probably be faster)