MCN - GOOD OR BAD for Youtube Newbies


Active Member
Hey there!!

So I've recently stumbled upon this thing call MCN, also known as Youtube Networks.

These are companies that claims to help you advertise, increase CPM, and grow your channel by taking a cut of your revenue profit.

I am not making money on Youtube yet, but if MCN truly can help small youtuber grow their channel I'd be really interested. I've read many blog post and so on online to know more about MCN; HOWEVER, none really talked about if MCN REALLY help you grow your channel!

Is there anyone here with personal insight? Should I consider MCN?
They always claim to help you grow, but since you aren´t making a lot of youtube money, the work they would put in to help you grow wouldn´t be worth it. So they won´t help you, and are going to take as much money as they can and let you go.
There is a whole section for MCN/partnerships so thats where you should start and this thread will most likely be moved/closed by admin.

My opinion is do not waste your time. Once you get to around 1mil subs it might be worth it.