Hey guys so lately iv'e been wanting to meet knew people and collab on some videos. So i'm posting this to see if i can get a fun crew going on. The only things i ask as requirements is..
-Be Mature
-Be funny
-have a youtube channel
-play on PC
-And make sure your channel link works so i can check out your channel

Some of the games i play are...
-For honor
-rocket league

If you guys want to play any other games let me know i can afford any game really. I'm looking for some new games to play. I also have plans for destiny 2 when it comes out for PC. Ill have it on release date so if anyone is getting that game let me know we can start up a little crew to livestream and play the game on. So yeah if anyone is interested feel free to reply to this post or you can contact me on twitter or instagram as well. My social media links are in my youtube video descriptions but i recently changed my channel name so ill put a link on this post as well. Also you don't need a certain amount of subs i really believe in the quality over numbers. So if you guys seem like a cool person or if you have great content on your channel but don't have many subs that is fine i don't even have much as of now. We all have to start somewhere :D
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Hi, I play CSGO - BDO - Fortnite - PUBG, I currently have a small channel but have a high work drive, and a fairly decent viewer base, (more than subs) And would perhaps like to collab.
If you are interested message me. Type this into YT UCN6B-hX1U0EXnMtfLp0WU8g or King Kinzeh
Discord: LucSkywalker#5376
I do csgo and PUBG. Planning on doing fortnite, R6:S, H1, GTAV, shellshock. I can pretty much buy any game too just have to wait for each paycheck lol. Add me if you like my content there isnt much but some. Pretty sure my channel is posted automatically but if not youtube.com/LucSkywalkerFTJ
I'm down to do some videos, I have Pubg, for honor, and rocket league, although I'm not great at any of them
Hey, my name's Jolttix. I mostly make CS:GO videos that I put a lot of hard work into. Check out my channel if you want to see what kind of videos I make. Message me on discord if you're interested in collaborating. I think I meet all of the qualifications.
Jolttix #2264
P.S. I like the name.