Request Looking for a skilled GFX designer [FREE]


Hello YTTalk Community!

I am looking for a skilled GFX designer who would be able to create me some amazing graphical work for my YouTube channel! My channel is fairly new and I am wanting to vamp it up to make it look more professional and appealing to new people! The ideas that i have are listed down below and the successful candidate will get recognition for their hard work!


Channel Logo
- Must have a transparent background and the design must be simple and effective - No girly colours as this isn't that kind of channel. The Logo must look professional and look good placed anywhere on a video and also in the comments sections.

Channel Banner
- Must have an exciting look to it, again it needs to look professional! The idea of my channel is gaming and technology related videos so this needs to be considered! the colours need to stand out but i am willing to let the designer be creative on this front. The channel banner needs to include some reference to social media links i have too.

As a designer why should i make it for you?

If i was a graphic designer i would also want to know the same thing! This channel is a project, a project which will be going for a hell of a long time! Having a successful and recognizable banner and logo is the key essential to having a professional channel in the first place. I would appreciate it if there wasn't a watermark left on the banner as i would be willing to give links in all my videos (depending on the quality of the banner + logo) and i will also give shout-outs every so often in my videos to help promote you.

The graphic designer needs to keep in contact with me if i wish to make any changes to the banner or logo or if i simply would want to recommend you to someone else!

My social media links i want to include would be:

Twitter: 490_Rock
Instagram: 490Rock
Twitch: 490RockTV

I would request for anyone who would be interested in this to send me a copy of their final idea to:


Daniel Firth.