How to optimize your channel in 3 steps.


I Love YTtalk
Hey Guys,
I am here to tell you today about optimizing your YouTube Channel for your audience, to give it a more clean and professional look. This can be achieved in a few simple steps.

1. Graphics - Your channels design (avatar, background, intros) plays a major part in how your channel appeals and stands out to the community. We all know how much of a pain finding a good designer is, (Trust me, I started designing 3 years ago because I was sick of looking for one) and especially one that can provide you with the look that you truly desire. It may take days before you find the perfect designer, but it will be well worth the wait

2. Quality over Quantity - This has to be one of the most under answered questions in YouTube. Now, think of it this way. If RayWilliamJohnson uploaded his videos daily, but had bad acting somedays and good the next would be less inclined to watching and subscribing to his channel, Right? This means, that by uploading weekly he has the chance to perfecting and performing the video to its full potential. Yes, you may end up with a day or more gap between uploads, but they will be great videos that are entertaining and will draw the viewer in for more.

3. Personality - A lot of YouTuber's dont know this, in fact a few BIG ones don't even understand it fully. Your personality is what defines YOU from everyone else. Markiplier and Pewdiepie upload the same type of videos (horror gameplays, lets plays) but they have separate personality's. This defines them both to there own unique style of video making. If you are just like everyone else, why would you bother? Be loud, make funny sounds or expressions, act completely nuts if you have to, just separate YOU from the rest of the world. Make your channel and style unique to your channel, this way they only way they can get the experience is from watching YOUR videos!!

I hope these tips were a little helpful, or even helpful at all <3 Message me if you would like to know some more, in-depth versions of this! xD

Cheers Guys,
Thanks a lot! I always appreciate stuff like this as a fledgling YouTuber. I am attempting to apply the quality over quantity lesson over the coming weeks. :)
This is a very well put together how to. I agree with Quality over Quantity, no point in uploading everyday but your videos are bad quality. :p
I think creating a unique personality is the hardest part. Takes much time and practice, that is if you're that dedicated into YouTube