First content ID claim for something I haven't used.


Just being AWESOME
Today I received a content ID claim on a GTA 4 police mod video for music I haven't used.
Let's be honest there wasn't music in the video of which I don't own the rights.

The claim was made by:
The Orchard Music

all for the same song.

What's the best thing to do?
Already made a ticket on RPM dashboard.
Not much you can do except contest it through your network or through YouTube's dashboard. This isn't anything new, people have been filing 3rd party claims on stuff in the past even if you had sufficient rights/ weren't using copyrighted material.
Ouch, not much you can do I'm afraid, you are probably best off going through RPM as you are doing so now. :)
Game companies who have music created for their game later want to sell that soundtrack material. They do this by registering it with multiple online distribution entities who are usually licensed to operate in specific countries. Unfortunately, that also appears to authorize those companies to upload the material into ContentID. Personally, I'd contact Rockstar.