Hi There My Name is Frost Titan, Im ALWAYS looking for Serious Collaborators/Gamers who are enthusiastic about making Content so don't be afraid to respond back . I Own 3 Channels that are oriented for 3 different kinds of Audience: Minecraft, FPS/Competitive, and Vlogs. Please look over these requirements very carefully, If I do not respond back right away, please give me 24hrs and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Trust me when i say this, You Wont Regret It.......

*- Must be older then 16, preferably 18*
*- Must have Minimum 100 Followers/Subscribers *
*- Must be willing to try New Games as well as Purchase Games*
*- Must be ok with Family Friendly and Adult Language*
*- Must own a Minecraft Account*
*- Must Be Online at least 3-4 times a week*
*- and Must have Respectable Audio/ Video Quality*

Contact Information:
Discord: Frost Titan#1180
Instagram: Fr0st_T1tan
Twitter: Fr0st_T1tan