232K+ Views And Just $23 Earning What Could Be The Problem ?

Mahmood Baloch

New Member
I've This Video With 232K+ Views And Getting Average 10K Views Daily But The Earning Is Just $23.09
Video Length 1:20 Average Views Duration 0:37
What Could The Problem ? Low CPC Keyword or the ads or watchtime ?
Any Help Will Be Appreciated :)
You're video length is short and retention is even lower so certain ads won't be played, but, more importantly, it likely has to do with the subject of your video and where the views are coming from.

From my own experience, I've also found that videos don't earn much money until they pass a certain threshold...usually between 350-500k views. After that point, the CPM seems to jump. Perhaps it takes that long for YouTube to get a better lock down on the video's key demographics and can better advertise to them or maybe it's just an odd coincidence.
i believe also it depends on the number of monetized views (ads impression) that youtube was able to show in your channel because youtube does not show ads at every single view.
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You get more adds if the videos are 10+ minutes, or your MCN could be taking a bigger share then they are telling you :p