
  1. darkstarmedia

    Educational Comedy Channel | Review Me!

    Hey, lovelies! I joined this forum not too long ago, and I'm loving it so far (as my number of messages and cash will tell you, ohohoho). I'm hoping to hit 250 subscribers by the end of the year (if not, I'd be super stoked to reach 200)! TL;DR: Click my channel down below, and give me your...
  2. darkstarmedia

    British Phrases & Slang!

    Have you ever wondered how long a "donkey's year" is? Or maybe who Bob is and why he's your uncle? And why does everything we say seem to revolve around tea? I hear you. That's why I've made a video explaining some quintessentially British phrases, which you can view right here: Let me know...
  3. S

    To help small youtubers / People partnered with Fullscreen

    I have started a group on fullscreen. All those want to have a collaboration and have a channel that is aiming on education can be a part of the group. well everyone can be a part the my group. So that we can help and grow together on youtube.