
  1. Promice

    Do you think gaming channels will ever be dethroned?

    Pewdiepie is the biggest YouTuber by millions of subscribers, but still it brings to my head do you think anybody will ever be able to overtake Pewdiepie. The #1 spot on YouTube has been used up by several different genres or types of videos fro vlogs at one time to channels like...
  2. Shehzad

    Why I Hate Content ID! - Black Ops 3 Live Commentary

    What's up guys in this commentary I will be giving my thoughts on Content ID, why it is an extremely abusive and bad system. And why I think YouTube/Google should have made changes years ago because they somehow want no part in dealing with fair use so Content ID is their way of being an a**.
  3. Josh100LuBu

    What is your most viewed video and why?

    My most viewed video at this current time is close to 9,000, I believe a lot of these views came from people sharing the video on Facebook and Reddit etc. Whats your most viewed video and why?
  4. WarriorDan

    YouTube Network CEO lashes out at me in video rant! (This post may be in the wrong spot. Apologies!)

    Wiser Network CEO Sami Donwell did not anticipate what would happen when he childishly lashed out publically at me earlier this month over a comment I posted in one of his videos, politely but bluntly questioning his use of sponsored links to promote his own YouTube network without properly...
  5. CQSerpent-PC

    Gaming Looking for a Short/Long term partner for scripted post commentaries.

    Hello, content creators. My name is CQ, Serps, or Connor, and I'm looking for one or more channels to make videos with on PC. However, these are not regular videos. I rarely make live commentaries, most of my audio is recorded post production. This means that my videos are usually gameplay...