I Love YTtalk
This error will not apply to most people uploading an avatar but if you do get an error this is how to fix it.
If you are encountering an error when uploading an avatar to YTtalk it is usually due to the file type being incorrectly named.
If the file originated as a .png file and someone renamed the extension to .jpg YTtalk will pick that up and give an error, in order to fix this issue you will need to resave the image you want to use as its original format or rename the file extension from .jpg, .gif, .png to its correct extension.
You may not have made such changes yourself but the site where you got it from could have.
In Windows to view file extensions you need to turn viewing of them on as its off by default, to do this click Start > My Computer > Organize (top left) > Folder and Search Options >View > Then check off Hide extensions for know file types and then press okay.
Now you can see the images file extension, if it says .jpg, try renaming the .jpg part to .png and reuploading it. If this doesnt work try it the other way around or renaming to .gif.
I hope this helps those who encounter an error whilst uploading an avatar.
If you have any questions or need further help feel free to ask
If you are encountering an error when uploading an avatar to YTtalk it is usually due to the file type being incorrectly named.
If the file originated as a .png file and someone renamed the extension to .jpg YTtalk will pick that up and give an error, in order to fix this issue you will need to resave the image you want to use as its original format or rename the file extension from .jpg, .gif, .png to its correct extension.
You may not have made such changes yourself but the site where you got it from could have.
In Windows to view file extensions you need to turn viewing of them on as its off by default, to do this click Start > My Computer > Organize (top left) > Folder and Search Options >View > Then check off Hide extensions for know file types and then press okay.
Now you can see the images file extension, if it says .jpg, try renaming the .jpg part to .png and reuploading it. If this doesnt work try it the other way around or renaming to .gif.
I hope this helps those who encounter an error whilst uploading an avatar.
If you have any questions or need further help feel free to ask