Hot Topic Article describing what & what not you can Monetise [by Google Support]


Posting Mad!

I finally found a really useful Article posted by Google Support where you can get a better idea of what you can monetise and what not in your channel for but not limited to: Audience, Profanity, Sexually Suggestive Content, Violence and Graphic Content, Drugs, etc etc etc...

This article will give you a better idea of what curse words are accepted to monetise, an example of what brands might not choose to put your ads on and finally when you should turn ads off.


Plus, here's how many channels and videos were closed from July 2018 to September 2018 and from which categories. Doesn't surprise me they closed almost 500K SPAM, Misleading, scam channels.

All this will help you understand better how to build your channel if you ever wanna try to monetise your content, pay close attention and understand what Duplication/Reuse/Spam means cause this is almost 50% of the cases.


Hope it helps!
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