Commentary looking for a collab on an anime podcast


New Member
just starting up youtube, need some help getting the channel notice by others.

what you need:
1.knowledge of general or popular anime
2.have a discord account so that we can stay in touch.
3. a good mic that so that your voice is clear
4. and final have watched jojo's bizarre adventure parts 1-5

my channel has only 19 subs so any help with be accpeted
Hello, I saw your post on collaborations my youtube name is Baronite I mainly do reviews of games and MMO's. I'm looking for other ways to expand my content so I thought id message you for a collaboration I can offer editing skills same with thumbnails/art nothing crazy though but good enough to make something work.
Hello, my name is LennyAW and I am aiming to be an Anime All-Rounder on youtube, I would absolutely love to start a podcast about anime and as for the requirements, I think I fulfill all of them.