Switching Back To Old YouTube Channel Design!

Joshua Severi

I've Got It
Don't like the new channel design that YouTube has pretty much forced onto us? Well if your channel has been changed and you want to revert back to the old one, you are just one simple step away from going back to it. If you have the new channel and don't like it, go to this website: http://www.youtube.com/onechannel This site will bring up a page explaining the new channel design. If you scroll all the way to the bottom, you will find a little button that will allow you to switch back.

It will look like this at the bottom of the page:

Whether this is permanent or not, I am not sure but it will change it back for the time being. :) Hope this helped!
Yep same,I transfered to new layout and I liked it at the start,but it has flaws and I don't like it anymore >.< Now I'm just gonna wait till it's forced to everyone.
Don't like the new channel design that YouTube has pretty much forced onto us? Well if your channel has been changed and you want to revert back to the old one, you are just one simple step away from going back to it. If you have the new channel and don't like it, go to this website: http://www.youtube.com/onechannel This site will bring up a page explaining the new channel design. If you scroll all the way to the bottom, you will find a little button that will allow you to switch back.

It will look like this at the bottom of the page:

Whether this is permanent or not, I am not sure but it will change it back for the time being. :) Hope this helped!
You will have to switch over soon. This was the same choice given last year when we were all forced into the "cosmic panda" layout. We could temporarily go back to the old design, but we were forced into the newer one. If it was up to me, we would still be on the 2011 layout. Oh well....
Question about going back to the older design. If you go back do you need to upload your banner graphic again or is it saved by YT?? I have been thinking about going back to check some data about my stats but can't be bothered if I need to sort my banner and BG out again.
eventually YouTube will roll-over everyone who hasn't changed to the new design from the old design. The new design sucks, it's too boring.