Promoting at YTtalk and Warnings Explained

Forums is getting stricter i like it.
I hate it when people come to forums to spam there channel.
Same here.
Originally, I'd have to admit spamming my channel and videos were my goal,
but I ended up just really enjoying being part of this YTtalk community, so it I don't do that anymore.
I want to grow my channel, yes, but now I want to do it the right way: Connecting with other creators,
saving up enough YTtalk cash to buy VIP access so I can feature my videos below my posts, etc.

If that works great, if not, that's cool too. I 've learned a lot from YTtalk either way. It's a good resource to have.
I hope that this post is still relevant beacause i didnt find another post with rules and warnings, thank for the info!