I'm planning to do my first ever Q&A and I would love some questions! I will of course give you credit for your questions and post a link to your channel
I will also use your YTtalk profile picture on screen so views will now what you look like
Thank you in advanced!
I just did my first Q&A and these are some of the questions I either used and loved or didn't get to use

Hope some of these help! Check out my video for more ideas if you feel inclined

1. If you could sit next to any celebrity on a plane who would it be and why?
2. What is your biggest fear?
3. If you could only eat 3 things the rest of your life what would you choose?
4. Whats your zodiac sign and do you feel it fits you?
5. If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring?
6. Favorite holiday and why?
7. Biggest pet peeves if any?
8. What super power would you have and why?
9. 3 words to describe you?
10. 5 things that make you the most happy?
Good luck and I can't wait to see it!