Visiting the cemetery where Jim Morrison is buried. The famous grave of Jim Morrison is located at Pere Lachaise in Paris, France. There are many famous graves at the cemetery but the one where Jim Morrison is buried is probably the best known. Jim Morrison was the lead singer of The Doors and a huge rock 'n' roll icon. Jim Morrison aka The Lizard King and Mr Mojo Risin (anagram of Jim Morrison) died at the age of 27 and the date of his death was July 3, 1971. Text/inscription on Jim Morrison's tombstone: JAMES DOUGLAS MORRISON 1943 - 1971. KATA TON DAIMONA EAYTOY. Kata ton daimona eaytoy literally meaning "according to his own daemon" or "true to his own spirit" but it is ancient Greek and difficult to translate. Other members of The Doors were Ray Manzarek, John Densmore and Robby Krieger. The address/location to the main entrance of the graveyard is: Cimetière du Père-Lachaise, 8 boulevard de Menilmontant, 75020 Paris. And opening time to visit the tombe/gravesite varies so check the homepage of the cemetery for further info and map. R.I.P. Jim Morrison. Music: Spirit of the Dead / Aakash Gandhi