Life of Brendan
Loving YTtalk
Hello everyone, my name is Brendan and I'm a Second Lieutenant (2LT) in the US Army. I have a Youtube channel where I talk about/film my experiences in the Army (as much as possible) and am doing a collab with another Soldier soon. I'm doing the collab with a Female Sergeant who works with Basic Training. I myself did ROTC in college, which is how I became an Officer.
Anwyays, we're going to be making a video comparing ROTC to Basic Training. We hope this video will provide valuable information for people who are thinking of joining the Army/are debating going Officer or Enlisted. At the end of the video we want to have a Q&A portion so please, if you have any questions about anything even remotely about the subject please ask them here and we will answer them
Anwyays, we're going to be making a video comparing ROTC to Basic Training. We hope this video will provide valuable information for people who are thinking of joining the Army/are debating going Officer or Enlisted. At the end of the video we want to have a Q&A portion so please, if you have any questions about anything even remotely about the subject please ask them here and we will answer them