Can OLD VIDEOS hurt my channel?

Pedro Nascimento

I've Got It
Hello everybody,

For long time I have tried to find why I don't get many subscribers or views and now I came with an idea that might be true.

I have about 150 videos that I make for the last 3 years that I have my channel. Some old videos they don't have many views and have a low audience retention.
Those videos they bring my general audio retention of the whole channel down, and that might not help on getting many subscribers or views.

Do you guys know about this subject?
Deleting or unlisting videos would make a difference?

Thank you for any response
I believe they all add up, and it proves to YouTube that you are uploading loads, but if it does grind on you you can always private the videos and in private later if you wish
I've answered this before on this forum thread surely floats around here somewhere...

Basically you need as many leads to your channel as possible. Every video is a new possible way for a user to find their way to your channel and there's always a couple of vids going viral for little to no reason other than luck and it might be yours.

Unless you can't live with those videos on your channel I'd keep them up. I plan on putting some vids on private myself as well but only when I know my channel took off.
If a video is dead, ie no views for years, they’ll never be found. Keep or delete is up to you.

Every video creators style tutorial on this though says YouTube treats videos individually and so old videos won’t affect new ones based on low views. The way a new video is handled is dependent on THAT video and what’s done with it
One thing I've done recently is re-upload a few old videos. My reach is much wider now and I've gotten loads better at SEO and thumbnails. One video that only had about 2k views over 6 months (and was only getting a handful a week) I recently reuploaded with a new thumbnail, title etc... and its on over 20k views with no complaints in a few days.
Thank you all guys! I will be making some videos private as they generate almost no views. I'm still trying to find what is the reason why am I getting almost no views or subs and as you guys say the old videos don't affect the new ones as they are treated individually.
Re-uploading old videos is not an option for me because the quality of the videos before wasn't good as now so I rather make new ones.
Keep on looking for an answer.

Thank you again for helping :D