Sibernethy Questin' for a Jestin' Aug 6, 2016 #2 What's the saddest but most profound thing you've ever heard?
probablybetterthanyourmom Liking YTtalk Aug 6, 2016 #3 How long have you been dating Justin? Why did you start youtube? Who is your favorite musician? Favorite color? Cats or dogs?
How long have you been dating Justin? Why did you start youtube? Who is your favorite musician? Favorite color? Cats or dogs?
terror569 Posting Mad! Aug 6, 2016 #4 would you rather use PC once a year or listen to nyan cat to the rest of your life?
Emily Pruna Loving YTtalk Aug 14, 2016 #5 If you where stuck on a deserted island, how would you try to survive?
javacentral I Love YTtalk Aug 19, 2016 #6 Who's your favorite youtuber and why? What's the grossest thing you've ever eaten? If you could be any animal, what would it be?
Who's your favorite youtuber and why? What's the grossest thing you've ever eaten? If you could be any animal, what would it be?