youtube seo

  1. V

    Videostat YouTube Toolkit tools for searching and promoting on YouTube

    Videostat YouTube ToolKit - a set of 17 tools for searching, creating, and promoting on YouTube. Launch your own successful YouTube channels and discover new ways to earn money with the help of the best set of tools. Learn more at YouTube Keyword Video Parser...
  2. Jasmin jazz

    Is youtube needs to have proper seo?

    Hello! I just have started a youtube channel and I was learning a seo to run my channel properly. But I have watched a video of Garyvee where he said "not to follow the guide line just focus on your content and write content for your audience instead of your youtube algorithms. Now, I want to...
  3. S

    MY Youtube channel Furniture Guru subscribers reached to 35K

    Earlier my youtube channel was getting 100 to 300 views only. And also my subscribers are also low. Then I read about YouTube seo. I read all abouts its pros and cons. I started applying on my videos and channel. I opimized my Youtube Channel Furniture Guru After that I started receiving 1000+...
  4. R

    How I Rank my YouTube videos on top search

    How to Rank your videos on the top search and magically get lots of views and subs with this site Click ->> VID-IQ
  5. zindagikamaal

    What all strategies and tricks to adopt in order to make my YouTube videos rank better in search results?

    I have recently started a youtube channel and doing proper SEO for each and every video. Social bookmarking, image submission, embedding videos, participating in forum discussions. What all things I can do as a part of backlink generation for my Youtube channel. Though I have started ranking for...
  6. Valerio Mangano

    SEO tips

    Hello everyone today I want to share my experience with tube buddy (free version) and SEO! To make sure that your video is seen around you need to first search for a title, seriously, before even writing the script search for the title, for a title that is at least 60 in the scoreboard for the...
  7. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    How To Write The Perfect YouTube Video Title Every Time

    How To Write The Perfect YouTube Video Title Every Time // Catchy titles on YouTube video titles help you get more views. YouTube Title Tips on How To Title Your YouTube Videos That Get Views with YouTube Title Best Practices using YouTube SEO to rank videos better in search and get noticed on...
  8. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    How To Rank Better On YouTube

    How To Rank Better On YouTube // How To Rank Videos and Rank Better In YouTube Search. How To Rank YouTube Videos is the holy grail for most Small YouTubers so you need to improve your chances to Rank Better in YouTube Search.YouTube SEO can help when ranking youtube videos and helping you grow...
  9. Amber lynx

    Tubebuddy NEVER works for me

    I’ve had tubebuddy literally since it came out. I’ve payed for the services but I’m not getting the benefits of it when I use the tag explorer I never find tags that are ranked I could be looking for hours and not find one that is good across the whole board. Ppl say it help with seo but I find...
  10. TrendingGamingTopics

    #1 - Growing a Youtube Gaming Channel In 2017

    Hey Readers and welcome to part , its me TrendingGamingTopics. It is 2017 and things are getting harder in the gaming scene, and thats why I created this thread :D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategies to Grow ( Gaming ) 1-...
  11. DePhil

    Easy Video SEO Score using free Chrome extension and Website

    Dear Community, after a lot of small YouTubers asked on wich way they could get more views and a better ranking on their video tags, I have the answer for your problems. There are serval programs and sites offering you this SEO optimization, but the problem is the most of them want a monthly...
  12. H

    Disappearing SERP Positions?

    Here's a problem i've been curious about for some time. I have a yoga channel with over 160 videos. There have been numerous times when I'll notice our channel appearing on Page 1 for a competitive search (The channel, not a video). It will be there for a week or a month - then poof, one day...
  13. H

    Local YouTube Marketing - better to go narrow or broad?

    I have a local marketing client who operates a business in about 10 regional cities around Washington DC. Our goal is inevitably to rank them for Washington DC + KW for about 4 keywords. Is it a better strategy to produce videos for keywords for the smaller cities - like Bethesda + KW, Chevy...
  14. Boris Qs

    Video SEO - How I Rank my Videos on YouTube

    Your video is uploaded on YouTube and you are not getting views, Why? One major factor for that is because you channel is still small. The only way people will know about your channel is through your ranked videos. YouTube videos also need to be SEO optimized in order to get ranked in the...
  15. Rumi Fog

    Please Help Me to Find out My Problem!

    Hello expert youtubers, I have recently new channel. I have already uploaded 19 videos. I have researched keyword and then customize title, description and tags. I have also shared my videos in social site but still now my top viewing amount 60. I have seen many channel's video getting 1k or...
  16. Sk Jony

    Youtube Video Ranking - Rank on the First Page of Youtube in Less Than 24 HOURS

    If you're trying to rank a video on Youtube this step by step guide will help you get your video ranked on the first page of the Youtube search engines. Why does being ranked on Youtube First page? (1) YouTube is the second Biggest search engine after (2) Over 4 billion videos are viewed a...
  17. Rumi Fog

    Hello Expert Guys! I Need Help For My New Channel

    Hey guys, I have created new youtube channel. My channel age 1monthe+,.videos 33. I don't get enough views. Because I am not able to get ranked any video. I'm not new in youtube. I have ranked some videos in before an another channel. But I am not able to get ranked any video in my new channel...
  18. Morbidejs

    How I do keyword research. What is your method?

    Since I watched one video about, how to rank high in the YouTube search, I started to develop my own way, how I do keyword research and SEO. And it has really helped me to bring traffic to my channel! I use Google keyword planner to find main keyword that match my content. I write down all the...
  19. Super Pawsitive

    Search Engine Optimization And You.

    Right, if you're here. You probably want to be found in Search Results. This applies to EVERYTHING YouTube and otherwise. Keep in mind you don't have to follow this guide word by word. This is just a general guideline on how to get your videos in Search. Nothing is promised to you, but this...
  20. subversiveasset

    Explaining YouTube SEO & Metadata with a simple analogy

    I don't claim to be an expert on SEO or metadata, but it seems to me that in threads talking about these subjects, there is a basic misunderstanding that a lot of people have. Based on everything I've read so far, I thought of an analogy to explain SEO & metadata very simply. Please let me know...
  21. DivideAndConquer

    Can Someone Please Explain Youtubes SEO To Me Like I'm Five

    Hi My name is Trevor! :) Now ive looked at 100s of Youtube videos that supposedly explain how youtubes SEO works and how to optomise it but they all do the same thing and go into supper technical talk that i swear is for rocket scientists. lol anyway if anyone could explain it to me as though i...
  22. WilBajamas

    Using Backlinks

    Hey there everyone, its been awhile since I've made a thread here but here goes. So I've been researching Youtube SEO for a week or two and I came across a topic called "Backlinks", I did some research on it and it is actually putting some of your video links on other website (small small links...
  23. Dear Gamer

    Let's Share Youtube SEO Tips

    Hello everyone, SEO (Search Engine Optimization is one of the best ways to get views for smaller or larger channels. There billions of people that watch youtube daily so it is our goal it get our videos in front of them. Depending on your subscribers for views is going a good strategy when...