
  1. MasterDF

    Mukbang on Accutane: Month 2

    Please check out my new video! Let me know what you think!
  2. MasterDF

    Mukbang on Accutane: Month 2

    Please check out my new video! Let me know what you think!
  3. MasterDF

    Mukbang on Accutane: Month 2

    Chaeck out my new video! Let me know what you think!
  4. A

    One Month Accutane Update

  5. A

    My Skincare Routine + Accutane Talk

    Hello! I posted a video with my skincare regimen while on Accutane. Skincare is very limited when on this medication so I didn't show what I use and how I use the products. I also talk about the skincare medication as a whole and my experience with it. :)